Eminem生平自传作品《8 Mile》[FLAC格式]下载




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Eminem生平自传作品《8 Mile》[FLAC格式]



2002年,阿姆卷土重来,在另一个全新的领域展示了自己的才华。他出演了个人第一部好莱坞电影《8 Mile》。电影中讲述了一个酷爱说唱的白人少年的成长片段,男主角的父母早年离异,凭借自己在汽车制造场的最底薪水勉强度日。在酷爱的说唱领域中,也由于自己是白人的缘故而倍受歧视,饱受凌辱,辛酸苦辣的生活滋味感人肺腑。影片内容仿佛是为阿姆度身定作,亲身给歌迷们讲述了自己的成长故事。电影一经上映,不但在说唱界,甚至在好莱坞引起了轰动。阿姆也凭借自己在电影中的一曲原唱《Lose Yourself》荣登奥斯卡最佳原唱奖,成为获得奥斯卡殊荣的流行音乐界第一人。Eminem - 8 MileSometimes I just feel like, quitting I still mightWhy do I put upthis fight, why do I still writeSometimes it's hard enough just dealin wit real lifeSometimes I wanna jump on stage and just kill micsAnd show these people what my level of skills likeBut I'm still white, sometimes I just hate lifeSomething ain't right, hit the brake lightsCase of the stage fright, drawin a blank lightDa-duh-duh-da-da, it ain't my faultGreat big eyeballs, my insides crawlAnd I clam up, I just slam shutI just can't do it, my whole manhoodsJust been stripped, I have just been vickedSo i must then get, off this bus then splitMan fuck this shit yo, I'm going the fuck homeWorld on my shoulders as I run back to this 8 mile roadI'm a man, I'ma make a new planTime for me to just stand up, and travel new landTime for me to just take matters into my own handsOnce I'm over these tracks man I'ma never look back(8 mile road) And I'm gone, I know right where I'm goingSorry mama I'm grown, I must travel aloneAin't gunna follow these footsteps, I'm making my ownOnly way I know how to escape from this 8 mile roadI'm walking these train tracks, tryin to regain backthe spirit I had fore I go back to the same crapTo the same plant, in the same pantsTryin to chase rap, gotta move ASAPAnd get a new plan, mommas got a new mamPoor little baby sister, she don't understandSits in front of the T.V, buries her nose in the padAnd just colors until the crayon gets dull in her handWhile she colors her big brother, her mother and dadAin't no tellin what really goes on in her little headWish I could be the daddy that neither one of us hadBut I keep runnin from something I never wanted so bad!Sometimes I get upset, cause I ain't blew up yetIt's like I grew up, but I ain't grow me two nuts yetDon't got a rep my step, don't got enough pepThe pressures to much man, I'm just tryin to do whats bestAnd I try, sit alone and I cryYo I won't tell no lie, not a moment goes byThat I don't pray to the sky, please I'm beggin you godPlease don't let me bitchin holdin no regular jobYo I hope you can hear me homey wherever you areYo I'm tellin you dawg I'm bailin this trailer tomorrowTell my mother I love her, kiss baby sister goodbyeSay whenevr you need me baby I'm never to farBut yo I gotta get out there the only way that I knowAnd I'ma be back for you the second that I blowOn everything I own, I'll make it on my ownOff to work I go, back to this 8 mile roadI'm a man, I'ma make a new planTime for me to just stand up, and travel new landTime for me to just take matters into my own handsOnce I'm over these tracks man I'ma never look back(8 mile road) And I'm gone, I know right where I'm goingSorry mama I'm grown, I must travel aloneAin't gunna follow these footsteps, I'm making my ownOnly way I know how to escape from this 8 mile roadYou gotta live it to feel it, you didn't you wouldn't get itOr see what the big deal is, why it wasn't the skillestTo be walkin this boarder line of Detroit city limitsIt's different, it's a certain significance, a certificateOf authenticity, you've never even seenBut it's everthing to me, it's my credibilityYou've never seen heard smelled or met a real MCWho's incredible upon the same pedastal as meBut yet I'm still unsigned, having a rough timeSit on the porch wit all my friends and kick dumb rhymesGo to work and serve MC's in the lunchlineBut when it comes crunch time, where do my punchlines goWho must I show, to bust my flowWhere must I go, who must I knowOr am I just another crab in the bucketCause I ain't havin no luck with this little Rabbit so fuck itMaybe I need a new outlet, I'm startin to doubt shitI'm feelin a little skeptical who I hang out withI look like a bum, yo my clothes ain't about shitAt the salvation army tryin to salvage an outfitAnd it's cold tryin to travel this raodPlus I feel like on stuck in this battlin modeMy defenses are so up, and one thing I don't wantIs pity from no one, this city is no funThere is no sun, and it's so darkSometimes I just feel like I being pulled apartFrom each one of my limbs, by each one of my friendsIt's enough to just make me wanna jump out of my skinSometimes I feel like a robot, sometimes I just know notWhat I'm doin I just blow, my head is a stove topI just explode, the kettle gets so hotSometimes my mouth just overloads the ass that I don't gotBut I've learned, it's time for me to u-turnYo it only takes one time for me to get burnedAin't no falling no next time I meet a new girlI can no longer play stupid or be immatureI got every ingredient, all I need is the courageLike I already got the beat, all I need is the wordsGot the urge, suddenly it's a surgeSuddenly a new burst of energy has ocurredTime to show these free world leaders at three in the thirdI am no longer scared now, I'm free as a birdThen I turn and cross over the median curbHit the verbs and all you see is a blur from 8 mile roadI'm a man, I'ma make a new planTime for me to just stand up, and travel new landTime for me to just take matters into my own handsOnce I'm over these tracks man I'ma never look back(8 mile road) And I'm gone, I know right where I'm goingSorry mama I'm grown, I must travel aloneAin't gunna follow these footsteps, I'm making my ownOnly way I know how to escape from this 8 mile road


